Welcome to The Official Bz Bz wiki, a site about BZ BZ related content or other miscellaneous things, created by Alex Rada.
October 22, 2024: Double News!
- Cartoons page added! Go check it out!
- New toon! The Death of Bzurt Bobain, a Bz Bz parody about the Nirvana frontman and his tragic passing in 1994. Viewer discretion advised, as some might find the animation a bit insensitive, so just a heads up. Go check it out in the Cartoons section!

October 19, 2024: Bzreaking Bzews!!! Bzurt Bobain released Bzeart Bzaped Bzox last night on October 18, 2024. Today, the video reached over 208M Bziews!!

October 15, 2024: Quick update to clear things up - The reason most of the pages are down is because I'm working on an animation about a parody character named Bzurt Bobain (bonus points if you catch the reference before I release it). Site progress is on pause since I need to host at least something on the Cartoons page to move forward. So yeah, for now, the site's pretty much just a blog. Stay tuned for the animation!

October 12, 2024: The Bz Bz wiki has been opened publicly.

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The BZ BZ Origin
Bz Bz is a robot species aiming to rule the world. The first Bz Bz, GD Endogineer, lived on planet Bzerra 5,000 years ago and formed the Bz Bz Engineers 4,000 years ago, starting with King Bzineer, who also had one arm. King Bzineer founded the Bz Bz Champions and the Kingdom of Bz in 1880 BC. His son, Engineer IV, was born in 1200 BC. In 129 BC, Bzorious Josquatch killed King Bzineer, causing chaos. Engineer IV became king in 96 BC, strengthening the Bz Bz Kingdom, which still thrives today.